Dental emergencies are issues or problems concerning the teeth and their supporting structure that need the immediate attention of a dental professional. They usually occur in a variety of scenarios, which include trauma accidents, worsening decay, or sudden pain. In the initial moments that you experience these emergencies, you need the most proficient and prompt care.
Various treatments can be performed to prevent or resolve a dental emergency. Fillings can be applied to restore the structure of a tooth after it has been damaged. If severe pain is occurring, the problem might be an infection of the pulp tissue. In this case, a root canal can be provided to remove the infection and clean the area of any remaining problems.
Some Common Dental Emergencies:
A knocked-out tooth is a true emergency that is handled best when treated as soon as possible after the incident. This is a serious injury in which the tooth is pushed partially out of or into its socket. The tooth will need to be stabilized and may need a root canal or extraction.
If a tooth has come out completely please do the following:
Teeth can become cracked or broken for many reasons, including untreated decay, trauma, and personal habits, like chewing on ice or persistent tooth grinding or clenching. Once the tooth structure is compromised, if it isn't properly treated, the tooth is much more likely to become badly decayed or infected, or even fall out.
This painful dental problem can leave your tooth aching and a sharp edge that irritates your cheeks or tongue. Prompt treatment can reduce the risk of infection, stop the pain, and restore the full function of the tooth.
Your tooth may become sensitive when a restoration is lost. Filling repair, or redo, and crown recementation are necessary at a dental office.
One of the more common causes is dental decay that has extended toward a nerve. Signs would be throbbing, worse at night, swelling, may find that cold water helps relieve the pain. If it is left untreated the tooth eventually dies and can become infected which can lead to an abscess. As soon as you notice these symptoms try to get in to see the dentist. Several things can cause a toothache. Some are minor while others indicate more serious issues.
If you notice swelling that is gradually worsening, have any trouble swallowing, or vision loss, please go to an emergency facility immediately.
A general dentist can help to remove the breaking part or sharpen part for you.