First dental visit
The first dental visit for kids is important for both children and parents. Our Pedodontic dentist will provide full dental examination including individual dental advice based on each child‘s dental health, food taking diet, habit and etc.
Our procedures would be:
1) Dietary counseling : For this process, pediatric dentist will interview a child about daily diet in order to evaluate the cause of dental caries and give advice for preventive care.
2) Psychological management by tell-show-do method.
Pediatric dentist will use simple words to make your child understand the procedures of dental treatment, and make him or her feel comfortable. Particularly, if a child has previous bad dental experience, it may take 1-2 more visits for the child to be less fearful.
3) X-ray examination. If it is needed, in tight contact posterior teeth, pediatric dentist may advise x-ray to find out hidden dental caries.
We try to avoid the amount of x-ray radiation as much as possible. However, dental x-ray radiation, especially in case of digital x-ray system, provides very minimal risk to overall health. If the hidden dental caries are not detected properly, it could cause a toothache later which requires more extensive dental procedure.
4) Preventive care advice and oral hygiene instruction and demonstration.